Encephalitis International is a registered charity dedicated to raising awareness and supporting those affected by encephalitis.
This serious condition causes brain inflammation, either due to an infection (infectious encephalitis) or an immune system malfunction (autoimmune encephalitis).
Each month, Travel Health Xpert Scientific Board offers editorials and expert opinions on the latest publications of interest in tropical diseases and travel medicine.
Epidemiology, prevention strategies, therapeutic innovations… Get access to the latest updates commented by international opinion leaders in infectious diseases!
Professor David Hamer (Boston University) talks to us today about the risk of Evolving Oropouche for International Travelers. Find out more in this video accompanied by his slides:
Japanese encephalitis (JE) is a serious health concern in China, with approximately 80% of global infections occurring in China. To develop effective prevention and control strategies,...
Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) was first detected in New South Wales in February 2022. As few infections lead to clinical disease, estimating the number of infections in humans is...
Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) annually infects a substantial population in the Asia‐Pacific region, particularly in rural and suburban areas (Baluni et al., 2018; Mulvey...
Japanese encephalitis is caused by the Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV). JEV is the main cause of viral encephalitis in Asia, and is endemic in many countries on that continent and...
The Travel Health Xpert Scientific Board is pleased to provide below the reports of the 9th Northern European Conference on Travel Medicine (NECTM9) held from May 22 to 24 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
* Access is totally free and the service exclusively reserved for healthcare professionals.
Boolean operators must be written in all capital letters
Find documents with all the words specified. dopamine homeostasis will get documents with dopamine and homeostasis, found documents must contain the two elements.
Find documents with at least one of the words specified. dopamine OR homeostasis will get documents with word dopamine or homeostasis.
The sign - exclude the documents with word or expression specified. dopamine - homeostasis will get the documents with dopamine but without homeostasis. The sign - must be used with others operators.
" "
Find the documents with exactly the expression between the two quotation marks.
Example: "symptomatic medication" will find only the documents with "symptomatic medication" in the document.
( )
Brackets are used to group words in a sub expression: (dopamine homeostasis) OR (ergotamine headache)
Asterisk is the truncation operator. It can be used as a prefix (with quotation marks) or suffix. dopa* homeo*, dop*ne or "*cature".
Prof. Éric CAUMES
Head of the Infectious and Tropical Diseases Department of the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris, France. Consultant at the Hôtel-Dieu in Paris, France.
Prof. Davidson H. HAMER
Professor of Global Health and Medicine at the Boston University School of Public Health and Chobanian & Avesidian School of Medicine - Boston, USA. Adjunct Professor of Nutrition at the Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy - Boston, USA.
xxx (MD, PhD)
Affiliations, professional address, country
xxx (MD, PhD)
Affiliations, professional address, country
xxx (MD, PhD)
Affiliations, professional address, country
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