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Use of passive samplers as sewage surveillance tool to monitor a hepatitis A outbreak at a school in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Oct 2022 – March 2023

  • Published on 07/01/2025
  •  Reading time: 6 min.

de Jong Maarten 1, van der Loeff Maarten F. Schim 1,4, Schilperoort Rémy 2, Vennema Harry 3, van der Weijden Charlie 1, Langeveld Jeroen 2, Welkers Matthijs 1,6, Prins Maria 1,4, de Roda Husman Ana Maria 3, Fanoy Ewout 1, Medema Gertjan 5

1 Department of Infectious Diseases Public Health Service Amsterdam (GGD Amsterdam) Amsterdam the Netherlands
2 Partners4UrbanWater, Nijmegen the Netherlands
3 https://ror.org/01cesdt21 Department of Infectious Disease Control (CIb) National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) Bilthoven the Netherlands
4 https://ror.org/04dkp9463 Department of Internal Medicine, Amsterdam Infection & Immunity Institute AmsterdamUMC, University of Amsterdam Amsterdam the Netherlands
5 https://ror.org/04f1mvy95 KWR Water Research Institute Nieuwegein the Netherlands
6 Department of Medical Microbiology & Infection Prevention AmsterdamUMC Amsterdam the Netherlands


Background Enteric hepatitis A virus (HAV) infections during childhood are often asymptomatic but may cause severe illness in adults. To improve public health surveillance we assessed the applicability of sewage monitoring during an HAV outbreak at a primary school.
Methods Between October 19 and December 27, 2022, five symptomatic HAV cases were notified to the Public Health Service Amsterdam; all attended the same primary school. Passive samplers, small...


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