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 Lyme Disease
Comparison of national surveillance systems for Lyme disease in humans in Europe and North America: a policy review

Published on 06/02/2024 |  Original article (Abstract)  | Blanchard Laurence et al. | BMC Public Health 2022; 22(1): 1307 5 min.

Lyme disease (LD) is one of the most prevalent vector-borne diseases in Europe and the USA [1, 2]. It is transmitted to humans by the bite of ticks infected by a bacterium from the spirochete group Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. This study focuses on infections in humans. The most common...

 Lyme Disease
Lyme borreliosis diagnosis: state of the art of improvements and innovations

Published on 06/02/2024 |  Original article (Abstract)  | Guérin Mickaël et al. | BMC Microbiology 2023; 23(1): 204 11 min.

Lyme borreliosis (LB), discovered in 1975 and commonly known as Lyme disease, is transmitted by ticks of the genus Ixodes. Etiological agents are the spirochete bacteria from the Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato complex (Bbsl). The distribution of the various genospecies...

 Lyme Disease
Lyme neuroborreliosis: A case report

Published on 06/02/2024 |  Original article (Abstract)  | Babak Sayad et al. | Clinical case reports 2023; 11(8): 7702 2 min.

Central nervous system (CNS) infections significantly cause seizures worldwide. Infectious causes of convulsions vary according to geographical location. Nevertheless, globalization and international travel have broken the boundaries, so we can expect any infection to cause seizures in different parts...

 Lyme Disease
Diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease in children

Published on 06/02/2024 |  Original article (Abstract)  | Atessa Bahadori et al. | ADC Education and Pratice 2023; 108(6): 422-8 3 min.

http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/archdischild-2023-325... Statistics from Altmetric.com...

 Lyme Disease
Lyme neuroborreliosis as a cause of sudden sensorineural hearing loss and facial palsy

Published on 05/09/2023 |  Original article (Abstract)  | Letizia Nitro et al. | Clinical case reports 2022; 10(10): 6412 3 min.

Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) may result from several causes and, in most cases, it can be ascribed only to an idiopathic etiology. SSNHL is defined as a pure tone audiometry‐proven purely sensorineural hearing loss >30 dB in three consecutive frequencies, developing over...